Calm the complex. Specialist KYC for private credit and debt funds.

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Complex British and international entities are our speciality.

Let's make it fast, secure, and compliant.

Active management meets risk mitigation.

As you actively manage investment portfolios and mitigate risk for clients, the First AML platform actively manages AML requirements and mitigates repetitional risk for you.

Entity unwrap

Unwrap complex entity and ownership structures with a click.

With a single button press, visualise entities, UBOs, PSCs, and connections, even across multiple jurisdictions. Automatically retrieve and map verified shareholder data into your entity structures. Welcome to a new era of clarity and simplicity in KYB entity analysis.

Entity unwrap

Source of Funds and Source of Wealth

Financial insights and compelling narratives. 

With Source by First AML, unravelling complex financial stories becomes effortless. The Manifest serves as your guide, simplifying information requests and liberating time to dive deep into how customers amassed their wealth, verifying its legitimacy, and identifying potential additional beneficial owners.

Automated communications empower customers to securely submit evidence while centralised document requests, secure data storage and decision notes auto-build a comprehensive audit trail.

Source of funds and source of wealth

UBO exposure

Unwrap complex, international structures that hide UBOs, without compromising service or speed to revenue.

 First AML supports the identification of UBOs through a unique combination of:

  • Entity structure visualisations
  • Current and relevant international data sources
  • Optimised AML workflows and waterfall triggers
  • AI-driven biometric EIV
"What I love about First AML is how easy it is to use the platform - the intuitive UI makes it very user-friendly."

Ellie Hall, Ops Associate, Jelix VC